Bridgewatch BWA-2 (BNWAS)
Bridgewatch system of high quality for a very Competitive price.
The bridge navigational watch alarm system monitors
bridge activity and detects operator disability that
could lead to marine accidents. The system monitors
the awareness of the Officer Of the Watch (OOW) and
automatically alerts the Master or another qualified person
if for any reason the OOW becomes incapable
Components of BWA-2 Watch Alarm System
1 Main panel
1 moving detector
1 Central unit
1 Alarm sounder for Captain
1 Alarm sounder for Crew
Authorized person (Master) switches on system by single turning the key-switch
ON..OFF..AUTO control panel to position. System's running is indicated by
reset push button.
Time is set by key-switch "3 min", "9 min", "12 min") as well.
If dormant period (3 min, 9 min, 12 min) shall not be changed, authorized person
(Master) pull of the key. Dormant period is counting down from the moment
that system has been switched on. Dormant period is the period within OOW
is monitored but no further alert has been triggered.
The dormant period is reset by the reset push button or by movment in
his actual work area on the bridge (moving detector)